Publications - Language and Reading
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New publication!
A short-version of the DSL+ intervention has been translated and tested by American children with Down syndrome and their parents!
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Kelly Burgoyne visiting the University of Oslo: read her bloggpost about the stay here!
We were so lucky to have Kelly Burgoyne visiting in August. Her visit were supported by The ESRC International Centre for Language and Commu...
Funding from Uio: Life Science has resulted in plans for future research related to Down syndrome!
Silje and Kari-Anne received funding from UiO: Life Science to conduct a two-week Research stay at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University...
Bildebøker og språkstimulering del 1
Denne ukens video belyser bakgrunnen for DSL+-prosjektet og fokuserer spesielt på språkutvikling hos barn med Down syndrom. Følgende «take h...
Down Syndrome Research Forum 2015
This year’s Forum meeting was hosted by University College London in the UK. The program for this meeting included a large variety of talks...